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Spring Construction on Frye Island

Spring construction is underway! Last week we hung 10,000 feet of fiber down Leisure Lane and installed all the terminals and started aerial drop installs to homes in Phase 1B. Today splicing is underway. We are very thankful for our construction crews who are braving the wind, rain, and cold today to continue making progress as we move toward island opening.

In Phase 1C on Ridge Road and Emerald Point, we put up 5,000 feet of strand on Monday, and finished 6,000 feet of strand today and hung 2,900 ft of fiber this afternoon.

Wednesday we will finish hanging another 8,000 feet of fiber, and the crews will start installing terminals and then aerial drops. By Friday we expect to have aerial construction complete, and next week will be focused on drops to the homes, with inside home installs starting Friday April 29th at 8AM. Check out more construction photos here.

Friends and Neighbors wanting to sign-up in 1A, 1B, 1C!

We are getting questions from people who want to sign-up last minute for service this year. We have a very short window here as our aerial crews are on island doing the installs this week through opening day, and our home install crews are scheduled for April 29th-May 15th. We have a limited amount of equipment and slots left but any new installations in Phase 1 need to be signed up by Sunday 4/24. Please encourage them to go to now and let us know so we can proactively reach out. It is way easier to add service to a home now while we have everything lined up and crews on the island.

Phase 2

We were hoping to make an announcement at the end of this week on our Phase 2 schedule to increase Sebago Fiber's reach from 65% to 85% of the island. Due to today's storm event in Maine, CMP has pulled their crews into storm mode, so we need to wait until at least next week for them to complete pole sets and pole transfers and then we can book our construction schedule for Phase 2. Please stay tuned, we are aiming for a May to early June Construction complete for Phase 2.

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